Monday, September 28, 2015

Watergirl 2 The fun begins.

I have no idea. Seriously, I do have ideas to do with glass tanks and gladiators, secret spies and thieves, teenage pregnancy and jealousy... Hm. Maybe I can do this thing. It's not going to be good. It's going to be absolutely horrible. The first one was supposed to be FUN. Like sitting in the sun, not work. Like sanding the floor. Instead, I got fun with oodles of work. I don't want to work, just fun. Maybe I'll just write dialogue and skip all the other stuff. Call it an outline. A two hundred page outline. No stress. Short chapters. No big deal. Pant, pant, pant. This is going to be fine. And fun. And fine. I said that already. Maybe I'll just take the month off, or write Monsterontous! That would be a fun Halloween thing to write. Maybe so. I'll check my schedule.

I read the book and at first I was all derisive. "This is such a silly story. No wonder it came together so much faster than my other books," and then it sucked me in and I couldn't put it down until I found out what was going on and if they got together, and then it was over and I'm supposed to make a sequel that tops the first one.

Ugh. Also, it has hardly any reviews and it's been out for a long time, but people don't write reviews. Do people not like it? Maybe only a very few people like it. If so, who am I writing for? I'm totally satisfied by the ending. Gen and Sean got together and they're kind of happy, even if she does have a knife wound and he's still Sean and who knows what's going on with Oliver. Will he really leave them alone? He's basically evil. Not really though. I don't know. I didn't plan to have a sequel. With Slide, I knew the ending, and now I've just got to fill in the blanks, not that that's easy, but I have something.

Okay. No more whining. Maybe a little bit. Sigh. I'll definitely check my schedule.

Friday, September 25, 2015

It's Autumn and I'm Done with Hunter! Free Book to celebrate!

How EXCITING!!! FREE book and finished with HUNTER!!! This has been my most difficult book to date, but I always say, the harder to write, the easier to read. It's got some good stuff. Hunter will come out in November as scheduled. EEEEk! I have to get the cover finished.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Pajama Pants for the Whole family

I made pajamas for the almost 2 year old. The top was fine but the bottoms... not quite the best fitting bottoms in the world. I used a woven pants pattern, but I didn't think it would be quite this ridiculous. I've been making pajamas for the boy to try and fit patterns so I can do a capsule that fits perfectly in the planned fabrics. The t isn't perfect, the front bags although the back is okay. I think the shoulders are off, but not as off as the pants. 

Room for growth or no slippers necessary.
Peekaboo pants.

Size is off and the color all wrong.

Color's great but the waistband is too tight.

Too short!

Finally a good fit. Capri pj bottoms. Perfect.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Clouds and Chlorine.

This is the project I've been working on for the last few weeks. I lost my photos for now until I can get my computer to a computer store, so no before with carpet pictures, but here's a mid madness photo after I ripped up the carpet and before I painted. It's not terrible, the wood I mean, but the soft wood was in very rough shape and I would have had to sand and sand and sand to get it smooth. 

I thought painting would be faster... I do not think I was right. I still had to filler and sand between layers. Oh well. It's like sleeping on clouds in the sky, or like swimming in a pool my daughter said, because it is now the color of chlorine. 

Hm. Being allergic to chlorine, maybe not the best choice. But at least it's not brown like every other room in the house beside the girl's room. I love it so much. It's like the rooms in High Society, aqua cool but crisp and delicious. 

I will have to update as it gets dressed. Still, beautiful bones. 

For my mother, because she wanted to see my happy birthday to me outfit, got the linen jacket done. Yay! Also the red riding hood felt doll ...