Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas morning. Craziness

So my Christmas started at 3 a.m. when the toddler wet his bed. So at five when the kids were loudly playing UNO in the living room, I wasn't quite excited to get up. Imagine that. Anyway, it was awesome, everyone was happy and got exactly what their heart desired. Even me because after we did presents I went back to bed. Mmmhm.
So this was the 14 year old getting into the spirit of things. He was worshipping the tree lika  pagan. Like a dancing buddhist pagan. They were supposed to be looking pensive and sweet.

One of them got the posing right. This is why she's my best model. Takes direction. Like don't worship the tree like one of those car lot dancing air men.

We are going to be doing needle felting in the very near future. :D SO exciting!

This photo is a treasure. Cheeky fellow. It's called being photobummed.

This year's Christmas season was crazy. I did Dresses, and stockings, and PJ bottoms. And painted the living room. We had a Christmas feast at 10 pm because that's how long it took the turkey to defrost and cook and also I was baking bread all day in the oven. 9 loaves. Fougasse and the ordinary kind. We were up until midnight cleaning up. I think we should make it a tradition, midnight feast! 

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For my mother, because she wanted to see my happy birthday to me outfit, got the linen jacket done. Yay! Also the red riding hood felt doll ...