Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday Makes: 3tops, 3 bottoms

So, this was a rush job. I started with  a knit bedsheet that no one used for a sloper for my 4 year old. Oh the poor thing had to hold still for five minutes and about died. Ugh! This is why I don't do the sloper method for the little ones however much better the fit would be. These aren't pajamas, per se, but they could be. They're more of a base layer that a pinafore or skirt or sweater would make look like day clothes.

Bed sheet wearable sloper

The ribbed knit got a bit bigger than expected.

The pants are on backwards, but polkadots!

This is her careful photo smile. <3

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

  Not because of victories
     I sing,
     having none,
     but for the common sunshine,
     the breeze,
     the largess of the spring.

     Not for victory
     but for the day’s work done
     as well as I was able;
     not for a seat upon the dais
     but at the common table.
Charles Reznikoff

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hunter is HERE!!! Also, book giveaway.

So, this is today. I think doing the pre-order thing makes today feel a little less, POW! You know? I'm still super excited, though. 

Today, I also Have HOS Hotblood and Hybrid for FREE while the lovely Hunter is on sale for 99c. Woot!

Now I'm going to go do a puzzle. Or laundry. Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I hope you eat too much turkey and take a good, long nap.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Makes: Horse Birthday Bag

I have been sewing stuff. Lots of stuff. Random stuff. It's pretty great. Last Saturday, my 10 year old went to a birthday party, horse back riding! It's like the coolest party ever, right? We had to get a present early, so we ran to target at 7 a.m. but they don't open until 8! No car for the rest of the day, so we had to plan and use what we had on hand.

Voila! My sweet pea did the design and kept me away from colors the girl hates (pink). We used a coloring page online we traced out and used wonder under to stick it to the fabric. Fully lined, fusible interlining, etc. For a last minute thing, didn't turn out to badly.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Free Watergirl today!!!

I am working on a few things. I just outlined 4 more Watergirl books which would make a 6 book series. If I don't get burned out on it by then. I've been reworking Wilds, and I am pretty happy with it. I'm now on page 25 of the second part if Wilds. It's so very fun. I'm AHEAD of schedule, so that's marvelous. I've introduced a new POV with every book. I like it.

So, go pick up Watergirl, if you're so inclined.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pre-order House of Slide, Hunter!

Hello! So excited to be able to get Hunter out there. Also, I'm being interviewed by the lovely H.L. Burke today on her blog. Woohoo! Here for the random interview.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SWAP 2016 Are you in?

I do it every year. It's crazy and fun and I've never finished, but I've had the best time. Sewing With a Plan, otherwise known as SWAP. The rules this year are simple. 4 pacs of different colors that combine to create many outfits.

My personal goal is to use the fabric on hand (stash) and also sew the projects I did not complete in former SWAPs. This year is a bit busy with my ambitious publishing schedule, but I can't help but at least plan a SWAP. That's the best part, anyway.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hunter cover reveal!

Isn't it exciting?!?! Will be out November 25, 2015. It will be available for preorder soon!

For my mother, because she wanted to see my happy birthday to me outfit, got the linen jacket done. Yay! Also the red riding hood felt doll ...