I am painting a series of portraits. This first one is of my youngest daughter, 3 years old, and I think it captures some of her sweetness.
And a touch of the saucy. I tried to paint a little in Renoir's style, his use of color, brightness, beauty that sort of thing. I learned so much while working on this piece about color, composition, and style.
I forgot how long oils take. I love oils, the color, translucency, consistency, but they go so very slow. I started this in February. Hopefully I'll become more expeditious so that I can offer portraiture to clientele other than my family. At least I'm capturing my children while they're young.
An interesting thing that happens when I get involved in something is that the children pick it up as well. When my oldest would only do his math reluctantly, the best solution was having 'math time' and I would sit down with my calculus, and everyone would sit down with whatever math they were on. The same with writing. I write, they write. I paint, they draw, color, etc. So, that lead by doing thing, is actually a principle. Works with cleaning kitchens too.
Hopefully I can finish the next in the series before next February.
If you have tips to motivate children (or me) to do something out of their comfort zone please share in the comments.