Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Oblivion Review

Oblivion by Kelly Creagh

I stayed up late last night to finish this book. All day I felt like I walked in a dream, waiting for Pinfeathers to pull my hair and drag me into that other world.

This book finished the series. Most of the book she, Isobel, wandered around, "Varen, oh Varen my love," without actually having any Varen. When he finally entered the stage things got much more interesting. I don't know. Well written, good dialogue, great characters, but the pacing, I wanted to hurry up and finish it, or slow down and understand what was going on. Neither of which I did. The ending I liked. Two epilogues for closure. Can't have too much closure. 

I've been all about Watergirl in my free dream time lately. I've created all sorts of drama in my head and jealousy and angst but also purpose and intention which has definitely been lacking in my prewriting daydreaming. I don't do outlines. Well, my outlines are full of dialog and over two hundred pages. They're more inline than outline. Hm. That'll be my MO. "I'm an inliner," I'll say with an arched brow to show that I know what I'm doing. It's so much more elegant than, "I'm a pantser." Pantser. Not an elegant term. Pants are never elegant. Trousers, maybe, but 'Trouserer' twists the tongue something terrible.

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For my mother, because she wanted to see my happy birthday to me outfit, got the linen jacket done. Yay! Also the red riding hood felt doll ...